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GDPR notice

You are receiving this notice in connection with your participation in the Challenge platform of the Inner Talent project co-funded by Erasmus + Programme of the European Commission. 

Title of Project: InnerTalent

Activity: Challenge platform

Organised by: Project 618837-EPP-1-2020-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA

The above-named platform involves the collection of personal data that can identify you. In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), we are required to obtain your informed consent prior to authorise you to register on our platform. This notice outlines what personal data we will collect; how we intend to use, protect and store this information, as well as what are your rights with respect to your personal data under the GDPR.

NOTE: GDPR data protection requirements do not apply to your personal data that is rendered anonymous such that you are not identifiable or can no longer be identified.  

Personal data – what we will collect

As part of this platform, we will obtain personal information from you in order to conduct statistical and any other reasonable activity related to the platform for the sole purpose of ensuring its completion. Personal data collected for this project will include, but will not be limited to: name, nationality, date and place of birth, opinions, photographic and video content, unredacted interviews, etc.

How we will use your Personal Data

The personal data you provide will be used for the following purposes:

  • For statistical purposes limited to the project Inner Talent;
  • To determine eligibility criteria for the Challenge platform;
  • To share with members of the project and all third parties with reasonable interest so they properly conduct research and perform procedures required by this research;
  • To comply with legal and regulatory requirements, including requirements to share data with regulatory agencies overseeing the project;
  • To fulfil any other reasonable project objectives.

Your personal data will be transferred among the partnering organisations located within and outside the European Union. Countries outside the European Union may not have the same laws to protect your personal data as in the EU/EEA. However, we are committed to protecting the confidentiality of the personal data you give us. Transfer and use of your personal data is on the basis of your informed consent given hereby.

Retention of your personal data

We may retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the objectives of the project and to ensure its completion. We will delete your personal data when it is no longer needed for the study or if you withdraw your consent provided such deletion does not render impossible or seriously impair the completion of the project. However, your information will be retained as necessary to comply with any applicable legal or regulatory requirements.

Your rights with respect to your personal data

  • Access, correct, withdraw, or delete your personal data; 
  • Restrict the types of activities the project team can do with your personal data;
  • Object to using your personal data for specific types of activities; or
  • Withdraw your consent to use your personal data for the purposes outlined in this document. 
  • To exercise your rights, please use the contact information below to submit a request. When you submit a request, please indicate your name, the name of this project, your reasons for making the request, if necessary, and other details you think will be useful for us to comply with your request.

Your Consent

Your consent is entirely voluntary, but declining to provide it will impede on your ability to register in the Challenge platform and become a user thereof.

By clicking below, you indicate that you have read and understood how your personal data will be processed, your related rights, and that you consent to the processing of your data as provided in this document. In addition, you acknowledge that this information was explained to you, your questions have been answered, and that you wish to continue participating in the study. If any new questions arise, you can contact the research team using the information provided above. You may print a copy of this form for your files. I acknowledge that this new information was explained to me, my questions have been answered to my satisfaction, and I wish to participate in this project.

Where to address your questions or concerns about your personal data:

If you want to make a request relating to the rights listed above or if you have any concerns about how your personal data is being handled, please contact:
Responsible person: Shirin Amin


Participant’s Name (printed)    


Participant’s Signature Date